Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Character design for my 2nd year film project. This is Renzo Marino, sadistic chef who's somehow made it onto TV. He's a fun-loving culinarian with a winning smile and an insatiable spud lust. He presents an award-winning cooking show, 'Mouthful's in Minutes, which he uses as a platform to display the intricacies of potato preparation. There's no meal this man can't synthesise from potatoes.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Design I did for a Rob Turner project
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Used in a pitch I did with
Rob Turner for UWE's Equality and Diversity Unit. It was designed to be a slick motion graphics piece.
Preliminary concept art for a project with the Soil Association. Try to look past the pig's rabbit ears.
A poster I designed for UWE's drama department as part of a competition -- the result of which is still unknown.
This is what it could've looked like. Apologies to all who favoured this direction. Namely, Rob.
Trip to Godstone Farm, I missed you Surrey.
Thisexercise depicts the art of pulling a rope when you have no visible muscular strength and only a snappy moustache going for you.
Golly I love a pastiche, and here we have cobbled together the stylistics of a training video for sexual harassment. This was a lip-sync collaboration with Miss Hannah Welch. Jenna is represented here as a waitress in a western themed family restaurant. She just insists on staying within the confines of that darn mall. Hannah's character is Rusty. Here we see him play the role of a fierce sexual predator.
First Project: Lip Sync and using Symbols in Flash

Aged seventeen, Jenna is one of those girls who knows, not thinks, she’s older than she is. Covered up with girlish frills and an outpour of gossip on tap, she gets away with knowing more than she should.

PEACH PIE COMICS, part ofPerfect Stars by Romantic
This will make little to no sense right now.
I'm starting a new project at the moment, titled 'Wear your Heart on your Sleeve, and your Brain in your Bag'.
LOG LINE: Two young women are revealed to be having a more inane conversation than their canine counterparts.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
This is no less than a true story. I dedicate it to my deceased duck friends.